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Lana Garner, DOM

(Doctor of Oriental Medicine)

Holistic Medicine St. Petersburg Florida

Have you ever followed that quiet, still voice in your body – even if it did not make sense?

Over 10 years ago, I was a professional artist with a degree in architecture from Louisiana State University. I had sold art to over 400 galleries and had six employees. I was busy but I had some health issues. I continued to visit a holistic health clinic in my home town in South Carolina. Each time I visited I would hear a voice that said you will work here.

​Well, as a professional artist I felt I had nothing to offer and disregarded the voice.

My health issues became uncomfortable enough that one morning I drove straight to the clinic so I would be there when it opened and hopefully get some help. What I did not know was that I was about to start a very different journey.

When I walked in the door the owner had just fired the receptionist. I explained to her that I was there for the job even though my rational mind did not understand. I was hired and that began the beginning of my schooling in alternative healthcare.

I have since become a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Thermography Technician, Reiki Practitioner, and Cranial Sacral Practitioner. One of the tools I use is applied kinesiology.  I muscle test the client’s body systems, determine which are out of balance and then determine the underlining cause.

What I did not know was that my life experiences were leading me to my current position at Docs Outside The Box to be part of a team who is truly finding the cause behind illnesses and assisting patients on their journey to optimal health.

holistic care st petersburgg fl

Docs Outside The Box
8950 Dr. MLK JR. St. N. Ste. 102

St. Petersburg, Florida 33702

Office: 727-498-8898

Fax: 727-800-5998

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