Lana Garner, DOM
(Doctor of Oriental Medicine)

Have you ever followed that quiet, still voice in your body – even if it did not make sense?
Over 10 years ago, I was a professional artist with a degree in architecture from Louisiana State University. I had sold art to over 400 galleries and had six employees. I was busy but I had some health issues. I continued to visit a holistic health clinic in my home town in South Carolina. Each time I visited I would hear a voice that said you will work here.
Well, as a professional artist I felt I had nothing to offer and disregarded the voice.
My health issues became uncomfortable enough that one morning I drove straight to the clinic so I would be there when it opened and hopefully get some help. What I did not know was that I was about to start a very different journey.
When I walked in the door the owner had just fired the receptionist. I explained to her that I was there for the job even though my rational mind did not understand. I was hired and that began the beginning of my schooling in alternative healthcare.
I have since become a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Thermography Technician, Reiki Practitioner, and Cranial Sacral Practitioner. One of the tools I use is applied kinesiology. I muscle test the client’s body systems, determine which are out of balance and then determine the underlining cause.
What I did not know was that my life experiences were leading me to my current position at Docs Outside The Box to be part of a team who is truly finding the cause behind illnesses and assisting patients on their journey to optimal health.