Docs! has teamed with a private lab, Evexia, to offer many new, economical services and options when it comes to investigating your health. Throughout the years, we have noticed that some insurance policies do not cover lab fees or charge more than a private lab might charge. We recommend comparing prices between what your insurance requires you to pay and the fees from this laboratory. It is always your choice.
Cancer Screening Comprehensive Stool Analysis DNA Analysis Drug Screening Food Sensitivity / Inflammation Genetic Health GI-MAP DNA Stool Heavy Metal and Others Neurotransmitter Nutritional Pre-Packaged Blood Panel Salivary Hormone SIBO / Genomic Tests COVID 19 testing Docs! Custom Panels Docs’ Female Panel $220 Docs’ Male Panel $154 Docs’ Thyroid Panel $82 CBC w/ Differential CBC w/ differential Rev T3 CMP CMP T3 Uptake Cortisol Cortisol TPO CRP, High Sensitivity CRP, High Sensitivity Antibodies Estradiol Estradiol TSH Estrone Ferritin T4 Ferritin GGT T4 Free FSH HA1C T3 Free GGT Insulin HA1C Lipid Panel Docs’ Female Panel $102 Insulin Mg Estradiol Lipid Panel Free Testosterone Estrone Mg Total testosterone FSH Progesterone TSH Progesterone Total testosterone T4 Free Total testosterone TSH T3 Free T4 Free T3 Free